The Canadian Headache Society's advocacy efforts include the following:
Providing and promoting education programs to health care professionals
Contributing to Canadian processes for the assessment of drugs and technologies (CADTH reports)
Sharing scientific literature and clinical evidence supporting evidence-based treatments and standards of care
Supporting patient-led initiatives through collaborations with Migraine Canada, Migraine Quebec, and Spinal CSF Leaks Canada
Informing relevant stakeholders of the importance of migraine, its burden and the relevance of treating it for Canadians
Assist providers in finding suitable accommodations for their patients and advocating for the implementation of medical best practices whenever possible.
Key principles guiding our actions
Patient outcomes, improvement in health and quality of life
Careful evaluation of commercial bias
Scientific evidence based on the highest standards or research
A fair and balanced approach to all actions
CHS Advocacy Committee
​Dr Elizabeth Leroux
Montreal, QC​
​Dr Alex Melinyshyn
London, ON
​​​Dr Danny Monsour
Toronto, ON
Dr Will Kingston
Toronto, ON​
Christie Tait
Toronto, ON​
Wendy Gerhart
Barrie, ON​